Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Mom and Daughter Give Birth the Same Day, in the Same Hospital.

This is quite unusual. A mother and daughter gave birth the same day in the same hospital 34 hours apart.

Angela Patram, 37, gave birth to her fifth child inside Tampa General Hospital where she works, and  her daughter Teranisha Billups, 20, gave birth just 34 minutes after her mum gave birth in the same hospital.

Angela Patram gave birth to a baby girl named Rayna  Patram and Teranisha Billups son is named Jerry Michaud.

They both new that their due date was around the same time but they never thought that they would deliver the same day.

It was hard for Patram to believe when she found out. 

Dr. Atef Zakhary, who delivered both babies, as well as two of Patram's older kids was dismayed too. He said in his practice for 29 years, he has never seen a mom and daughter deliver on the same day.

The Joy of every grandmother is to see their grandchildren once they are given birth to, but Patram was not able to see his grandson immediately. As soon as they reunited after deliveries they embraced and took photo to mark the occassion.

Both mothers are able with the babies and other Billups siblings are happy and very supportive in the care of the babies.

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