Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Teenage girls of Britain are swooning over Ed Miliband .

Let’s be honest, Ed Miliband has taken a bit of a bashing over the past few months, but if there’s one thing the youths of Britain love, it’s an underdog.

One 17-year-old girl in particular is particularly taken with the Labour leader, and her love seems to be infectious.

Abby has gained 12,000 followers on Twitter simply by declaring her love for Ed, and given him something he has (presumably) always wanted, his own hashtag – #milifandom.

MORE: Check out Ed Miliband’s amazing trick shot while playing pool

The smitten Abby told Buzzfeed: ‘We just want to change opinions so people don’t just see the media’s usual distorted portrayal of him – and actually see him for who he is. Ed is just a great guy and how many other politicians have a fandom? 0.’

MORE: Watch Ed Miliband become stuck in an infinite loop

MORE: Ed Miliband busts out sick rhymes after being remixed into a Skepta song

Abby isn’t the only one who has dedicated a Twitter account to Ed, with the questionably named ‘ed milibae af’ account winning nearly 2,000 follows in the short time it has been live.

Teenage girls of Britain are swooning over Ed Miliband as #Milifandom takes off
We’re not kidding, it is actually called ‘ed milibae af’… (Picture: Twitter)

It quickly moved on from loving tweets to slightly creepy photoshop jobs.

And then things got a little saucy.

Of course many of the young ladies jumping on this (Mili)band wagon will be too young to vote.

But any exposure is good, right? Plus we are sure it will do wonders for Mr Miliband’s confidence to hear plenty of young women screaming his name where ever he goes.

Do you think anyone will be jealous?

UPDATE: Proving he is a man who can face both his detractors and his fans, Ed Miliband has made Abby’s dreams come true by getting in touch with her on Twitter.

Culled from metro.

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